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SSN & ID Verifier Questions

How is Easy Verification different than other Validators?

Experience: We are integrated with providers with over 20 years’ experience in this sector.
Security: Data is pulled and pushed through secure encrypted connection. Results are returned the same way. Our servers are hosted in a secure facility and monitored 24/7.
Data Integrity: Data is fresh and up to date. SSN and SSA DMF data updates weekly; OFAC-SDN updates every 24 hours; repository providers update daily. Reports generate in a few seconds using last four digits or full 9 digits of the SSN.
Ease of Use: We offer two search options. You can order in batches or one at a time having us perform searches, and return results in your preferred method, or perform your own searches on demand through our secured portal which delivers reports in a few seconds.

What is SSN randomization and how will it affect reports?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) changed the way SSNs are issued on June 25, 2011. This change is referred to as "randomization." The SSA developed this new method to help protect the integrity of the SSN. SSN Randomization will also extend the longevity of the nine-digit SSN nationwide. Under the new randomization scheme, after June 2011 we will not be able to report for which state an SSN was assigned or even if it was assigned at all if it is one of the new randomization numbers. We will be able to report if and when the SSN was assigned, if prior to June 2011, as well as if the person is deceased or not.

How do I pull a Basic SSN validation?

For a Basic SSN validation report, enter first and last name plus the last four digits of the SSN. Results are returned in seconds.

How do I pull a Comprehensive IDentity validation?

For Comprehensive IDentity validation report, enter the full 9 digit SSN. Results are returned in seconds. Both reports include OFAC-SDN and SSA DMF screening in a simple ease to read document to help you meet compliance requirements.